I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells
Title: I Am Not a Serial Killer Series: John Cleaver (Vol. 1) Author: Dan Wells Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 52522 Description: John Wayne Cleaver keeps his obsession with serial killers in check by a set of rigid rules that he lives by, hoping to prevent himself from committing murder, but when a body turns up behind a laundromat, John must confront a danger outside himself. Rubric Rating: Level 1: Leave It Why I Read It: I'm a fan of mystery novels and this cover was intriguing. Lori's Notes: This book started out really well for me. The story would have been fantastic and would have earned a level 3 if it hadn't strayed out of the realm of realism. John Wayne is obsessed with serial killers and thinks he could be one. He lives in a mortuary with his mother and helps out in preparing the bodies for the funerals. The family is dysfunctional and I actually liked the dispassion of emotion from John. He is amazingly cool and calculati...