The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Title: The Hunger Games Series: The Hunger Games Trilogy Author: Suzanne Collins Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 30907 Description: In a future North America, where the rulers of Panem maintain control through an annual televised survival competition that pits young people against one another, sixteen-year-old Katniss is challenged, when she voluntarily takes her younger sister's place. Rubric Rating: Level 3: Laud It Why I Read It : There were so many people talking about this novel and recommending it, I thought I better get on the bandwagon. Lori's Notes: In order to protect her sister Prim, Katniss volunteers to take her place in the Hunger Games. Before the games begin, Peeta, the boy chosen from her district, confesses to having a crush on Katniss. She thinks this is just Peeta's strategy for the game. However, it gives them both an opportunity to survive. Something that has never before happened in the games. However, this may put Peeta and ...