Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
Title: Life as we Knew It Series: The Last Survivors Series (Sometimes called the Moon Crash Series) Author: Susan Beth Pfeffer Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 10855 Description: After a meteor hits the moon, teen Miranda must quickly grow from self-absorbed to selfless as she and her family try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. Rubric Rating: Level 4 - Love It! Why I Read It: This book was given to me by a co-worker to read. I love that the colophon (the page with the publication date, printers information etc) is designed like a moon. Lori's Notes: Life as we Knew It is a dystopian look at the world after a series of environmental catastrophes. The first book in the Last Survivors series we find Miranda and her family struggling to survive in the country after a meteor has crashed into the moon pushing it closer to the Earth. This throws the seasons out of balance and the family must struggle to find food, heat and safety in a new, sometimes hostile w...