As Easy As Falling Off the Face of the Earth by Lynne Rae Perkins
Title: As Easy As Falling Off the Face of the Earth Author: Lynne Rae Perkins Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 44333 Description: A teenaged boy encounters one comedic calamity after another when his train strands him in the middle of nowhere, and everything comes down to luck. Rubric Rating: Level 3 - Laud It Why I Read It: Looking for a fun read that would be good for a boy. Lori's Notes: A series of comedic events lead to the isolation of Ry from his family. Trying to phone his grandfather Ry gets off his train and left behind in Montana, his parents are sailing in the Caribbean and his grandfather isn't answering the phone. The dogs (who receive their own chapters in graphic novel format) are trying to make their way back to their old home and no one seems to be able to find each other. There were moments that had me giggling but I have to admit that throughout the novel I was waiting for "something bad to happen" and while bad things do happen they'r...