The Scar Boys by Len Vlahos
Title: The Scar Boys Author: Len Vlahos Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 80705 Description: In a college admission essay, eighteen-year-old Harry Jones recounts a childhood defined by the hideous scars he hid behind, and how forming a band brought self-confidence, friendship, and his first kiss. Rubric Rating: Level 4 - Love it! Why I Read It: A great title and an interesting write up. Lori's Notes: This book had me captivated in the first couple of pages. The first page consists of a college admissions essay question. The following pages and in fact the rest of the book is Harbinger "Harry" Jones' answer to that question. Each chapter starts with a song title and performer. The story begins with the critical event that caused Harry's disfiguring scars. I must say this for me was a graphic scene. I was brought to tears and laughed out loud within the first 15 pages of the novel. Harry must endure a painful recovery that has him addic...