The Chaos by Rachel Ward
Title: The Chaos Series: The Numbers Trilogy Author: Rachel Ward Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 70126 Description: Like his mother, Jem, when sixteen-year-old Adam looks in people's eyes he can see the dates of their deaths and now he sees the same date, six months in the future, in nearly everyone around him in the London of 2026. Rubric Rating: Level 3 - Laud It. Why I Read It: Read the first book and wanted to continue the series. I also love the covers of these novels! Lori's Notes: This book picks up several years after the end of Numbers. Adam (Jem and Terry's child) now lives with his Nan and sees the numbers just like his mother did - except he can feel how people die - if it's violent or peaceful. Adam can tell lots of people are going to die on Jan 1, 2027, he just doesn't know how. Then he meets Sarah, who is terrified of him. He's the boy from her nightmares. Sarah has lots of problems of her own. Pregnant, resulting from abuse...