Big Game by Dan Smith
Title: Big Game Author: Dan Smith Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 97154 Description: A boy hunter from a remote mountain village, the President of the United States and a terrorist plot converge in a wilderness survival adventure involving a strange creature in the woods. Rubric Rating: Level 3 - Laud It Why I Read It: This book looked like a good adventure/survival story for boys. Lori's Notes: It's the day of the trial. The day before Oskari's 13th birthday. He will walk into the forest on Mount Akka, he will hunt with the traditional bow, and he will return a man. He will bring back what the forest gives him. But Oskari is small and he can't even fully draw the bow back all the way. But Oskari is determined not to disappoint his father, a man who brought back a bear. As Oskari takes off into the forest, he heads toward his father's secret hunting ground but is quickly veered off course by the approach of a helicopter. Thin...