
Showing posts from February, 2017

Roboot by Amy Tintera

Title:  Reboot Author: Amy Tintera Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 93743 Description: Twelve-year-old Wren rises from the dead as a Reboot and is trained as an elite crime-fighting soldier, at seventeen she is happily training new Reboots until she is given an order she refuses to follow. Rubric Rating: Level 3 - Laud It Why I Read It: High/Low title with a great tag line.   5 years ago I died, 178 minutes later I woke up. Notes: This was a really good book.  Wren Connolly is a reboot.  At 12 years old she was shot and killed.  178 minutes later she woke up as a reboot.  At some point she was infected by the plague and this caused her body to reboot after death.  Now she is faster, stronger, less emotional, and heals quicker, and can only die if her brain is impaled.  Something of a mercenary zombie the reboots are given better food and housing than the rest of the population but they are also used a force to patrol the cities.  At 1...