Reached by Ally Condie
Title: Reached Series: Matched Trilogy Book #3 Author: Ally Condie Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 79293 Description: In search of a better life, Cassia joins a widespread rebellion against Society, where she is tasked with finding a cure, and must choose between Xander and Ky. Rubric Rating: Level 3 - Laud It Why I Read It: Final Book in the Series. Notes: Unlike Matched which is Cassia's story, and Crossed which is Cassia and Ky's story. Reached Begins with Xander. We now have three points of view while reading. Xander is an Official working for the "Society" but he is also working covertly for "The Rising" waiting for the signal of when they will start their overthrow of the current order. Xander will know it is time when he hears the "pilot's" voice. Cassia and Ky have also joined the rising and have been separated again - Ky is a pilot (literally) along with Indie, Cassia has been reintegrated into the society as a sorter....