Cheesie Mack is Not A Genius or Anything by Stephen L. Colter

Cheesie Mack Is Not A Genius Or Anything
Title: Cheesie Mack is Not a Genius or Anything 

Series: Cheesie Mack

Author: Stephen L. Colter

Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 48874

Description: Eleven-year-old Ronald "Cheesie" Mack relates events he and his best friend, Georgie, experience as fifth grade comes to an end and their summer plans are drastically changed, due in part to an old, possibly valuable coin that may belong to the mysterious inhabitant of a place they call The Haunted Toad.

Rubric Rating: Level 3: Laud It

Why I Read It: Trying to find a book to appeal to a boy and the title was really cute.

Lori's Notes: Cheesie is a great friend, and honesty in this book really does turn out to be the best policy.  I loved the relationship between these two friends and between Cheesie and his sister June (aka Goon).  The book is easy to read, covers a short time period of time - Georgie and Cheesie's grade 5 graduation, and has a good mystery story included.  The only flaw for me in this book is all of the references to Cheesie’s website – go to my website for: another name for pill bugs, nicknames for grandparents, answers to plot questions etc.  Other than that I loved this quick little story and how the author changes up his writing style during the telling.  

Recommended Readers: A fun story for middle school readers, particularly boys.  Grade 4 and up.

Themes: Friendship, Family, Honesty, Mystery, Money, Lost and Found

Cross-Genre Links:
Google Search: Numismatics
Google Search: Rare Coins
Movie: Millions (2004)

Possible Discussion or Essay Topics:
What would you do if you found an old coin like Cheesie and Georgie?
Why was the coin so meaningful to Ms. Prott?
Try starting your own coin collection.  What sort of coins will you collect?
How do Cheesie and Georgie get in trouble at school?
Do you have a house in your neighbourhood like the Haunted Toad?
What sort of adventures have you and your friends had?

Other Books in this Series:
Cheesie Mack is Cool in a Duel
Cheesie Mack is Running Like Crazy



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