This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer

This World We Live In
Title: This World We Live In

Series: The Last Survivors Series

Author: Susan Beth Pfeffer

Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 41614

Description:  When the moon's gravitational pull increases, causing massive natural disasters on earth, Miranda and her family struggle to survive in a world without cities or sunlight, and wonder if anyone else is still alive.

Rubric Rating: Level 3 - Laud It

Why I Read It: I enjoyed the first two books in the series and am continuing on with the third instalment.  I love the image of the moon on each of the covers of the books.  It is so immense and overwhelming.

Lori's Notes: This World We Live In takes place a year after the moon crash has happened.  Miranda and her family are surprised when an unexpected knock at their door turns out to be Miranda's father, his new wife, their new baby, as well as Alex and his sister Julie.  The families are still struggling to survive and want to find a way to the government city.  Miranda and Alex find themselves attracted to one another and Miranda's brother falls for Alex's sister.  (I found it a little convenient that there is someone for everyone).  However, the catastrophes are far from over and death is always around every corner.  Miranda's mom must overcome her fear of leaving their house and they must all travel toward safety.  I didn't find this book quite as good as the first two and Life as We Knew It is still my favourite of the three books.  Perhaps because of the harsh situation, I find Miranda's character much harder than I would have expected and does something I never would have been able to do...

Recommended Readers: Grade 7 and Up.  I recommend reading either or both of the first two books before proceeding on to this sequel.

Themes: Dystopian, Euthanasia, Survival, Families, Relationships, Extended Families, Safety, Natural Disasters, Diaries.

Cross-Genre Links: 
Movie: 2012 (2009)
Movie: I am Legend (2007)
Music: Aftershock performed by Schoolboy

Post Reading Discussion Questions and Activities:

  • Could you do what you had to do to survive?  Even if it went against your ethical beliefs?
  • Now that it is a year after the moon crash, what sorts of things are happening in the world?
  • Are things more dangerous, less dangerous, or the same as they were a year ago?
  • Has there been news of other survivors?  
  • Miranda's mother seems physically incapable of leaving her home,  why does she avoid leaving the house?  

Other Titles in the Last Survivors Series:
Book 1: Life as We Knew It
Book 2: The Dead and the Gone
Book 4: The Shade of the Moon


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