Butter by Erin Jade Lange


Title: Butter

Author: Erin Jade Lange

Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 76283

Description: Unable to control his binge eating, a morbidly obese teenager nicknamed Butter decides to make a live webcast of his last meal as he attempts to eat himself to death.

Rubric Rating: Level 3 - Laud It

Why I Read It:  Interesting cover and title.

Notes: Butter's world is empty and he uses food to fill the void.  When Butter gets fed up with the bullying at school he starts a website called "Butter's Last Meal."  While it started as just an outlet for his frustration, when he starts receiving menu suggestions the website takes on a life of its own and starts to affect his real life as well.  The boys who taunted and bullied him now invite him to sit at their table, invite him bowling, and out to parties.  He gets close to his crush Anna, who has no idea that he is the JP she has been communicating with online, until he finally plays his saxophone and she recognizes the song he wrote for her.  But, instead of being pleased, she's angry, and Buter is disappointed again.  Now it looks like nothing will stop the countdown to his final meal.  This story was interesting.  Butter is 423lbs but it isn't his weight that keeps him from reaching out to people, it's his lack of faith that things could be better.  However, in the end the change must come from Butter himself.  What I found most interesting is that you don't learn Butter's real name until the very last page of the novel.

Recommended Readers: Grade 9 and up.  Good novel for curriculum study.

Themes: Body Image, Online Vs. Real Life Identities, Relationships, Friendship, Bullying, Overeating, Diabetes, Allergies, Obesity, Eating Disorders

Cross-Genre Links: 
Movie: What's Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993)
Music: Charlie Parker - All the Things you Are
Websearch: Obesity and Eating Disorders
Websearch: Diabetes and Allergies

Inquiries and Activities: 

  • Why does Butter eat the way he does?
  • What motivates him to overeat?
  • Are his parents responsible for his weight?
  • Is Butter being fair to Anna?  Do you understand her reaction?
  • What are some of the health complications of being overweight?  In groups research various eating disorders or health conditions about dieting and extreme weight gain or loss.  Present your findings to the class.
  • How is Butter different online vs. in real life?  How is Anna different?  Is it easier to be yourself when you can hide your identity?
  • How does Butter get his nickname?  Is it appropriate for teachers to call students by their nicknames?
  • Why does the author not reveal Butter's name until the final page?


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