Echo Echo Reverso Poems about Greek Myths by Marilyn Singer

Echo Echo: Reverso Poems About the Greek Myths

Title: Echo Echo Reverso Poems about Greek Myths

Author: Marilyn Singer

Illustrator: Josée Masse

Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 112980

Description: This collection of reversible poems helps readers gain new perspectives on ancient Greek myths.

Curriculum Links: 

  • Art: Mirror Images, Graphic Design
  • Character Education: Courage
  • Language Arts: Tales, Myths and Legends
  • Reading: Poetry
  • Social Studies: Early Civilizations
  • Science: Earth and Space (Constellations and the Night Sky)
  • Writing: Voice and Perspective

This is a lovely poetry book.  I was struck by the colourful illustrations that are designed as mirror images to highlight the myths in the poems.  I particularly like the art portrayed on the cover that is inverted and found with the first poem - An Age of Marvellous Myths.  The poems are reversos - a poetry form the author has invented - the poem is read first top to bottom, it is then reprinted in reverse order with only punctuation and capitalization changing.  Sometimes the poetry is written from the same voice but I like the poems that change perspective; such as Arachne and AthenaKing Midas and His Daughter, and Perseus and Medusa, where the voice changes from one character to the other despite the words being the same.  This book is a great introduction to Greek myth and each poem has an informational tidbit about the myth on the bottom of the page.

Recommended Audience: Grade 3 to 6

  • Anyone interested in Greek Myths and Legends
  • Poetry Lovers
  • Anyone studying Greek History and Mythology 

Inquiries and Activities: 
  • Research a Greek Myth.  What is the moral or lesson in the story?
  • What sorts of natural things are explained by tales and myth?  Why would people write stories about them?
  • Take a look at the night sky.  What are constellations?  How many can you find?  What stories are represented in the constellations?  
  • Make your own constellation using a flashlight and black construction paper.  Poke holes in the paper and shine your flashlight through it.  Write a story for your constellation.
  • Write a reverso poem.  Does the voice or perspective change in your poem when it is reversed?
  • Create a mirror image illustration.  Does it change left to right or top to bottom?  
  • What was life like for the Ancient Greek?  Divide the class into groups and research different aspects of Greek life.


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