Num8ers by Rachel Ward

Num8ers (Numbers)
Title: Num8ers

Series: Num8ers Trilogy

Author: Rachel Ward

Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 40680

Description: Fifteen-year-old Jem knows when she looks at someone the exact date they will die, so she avoids relationships and tries to keep out of the way, but when she meets a boy named Spider and they plan a day out together, they become more involved than either of them had planned.

Rubric Rating: Level 3: Laud It

Why I Read It: I have a thing for numbers and the title and cover really drew me in.

Lori's Notes:  Jem is special.  She's always been special.  If she looks people in the eyes she sees numbers.  Numbers that are the date of their death.  Jem doesn't realize this when she's young and tells people their death dates but as she gets older she realizes how dangerous this information is.  So she retreats.  She hides away, avoiding people as much as she can.  One day while skipping school she meets a black boy named Spider, an incessant-talking, jump-around, ADHD boy who connects with Jem more than anyone ever has.  But she knows something she's trying to avoid.  His death is coming and coming soon.  And she'll do anything she can to stop it.   In some ways this was an uncomfortable read.  Jem's mother dies of a drug overdose when she's six.  Spider and Jem's relationship results in a teen pregnancy.  However, the overarching message is a good one.  To live life fully, everyday.  The novel stuck with me - it made me wonder - would the people have died if Jem couldn't see their numbers?

Recommended Readers: Because of the mature content of this book I would recommend it for grades 11 and up.  However, because it does touch on a variety of societal issues it could be used with lower grades with teacher support for individual or classroom novel study.

Themes: Mortality, Friendship, Coming of Age, Fate vs. Chance, Love - familial, friends, strangers, Trust, Special Powers, Life and Death.

Cross-Genre Links:
Movie: In Time (2011)
Music: Savin' Me by Nickelback
Google Search: Life Expectancy

Possible Discussion or Essay Questions: 

  • Do you think certain individuals would have died if they hadn't run in to Jem?  For example, the homeless man sees Jem following him, runs away, and gets hit by a car.  If she hadn't been following him would he still have died?
  • Do you think Jem's actions directly result in the deaths of some of the other characters?  (Spider, Karen, etc)
  • Would you want to know the date of your death?  Why or Why not?  
  • How would knowing your "death date" change how you lived your life?  Poll other students in the class to see what they would or wouldn't do differently.
  • Why does Jem believe her ability is dangerous?  Is it dangerous to her or dangerous to others?

Other Books in this Series:


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