If You're Hoppy by April Pulley Sayre

If You're Hoppy

Title: If You're Hoppy

Author: April Pulley Sayre

Pictures: Jackie Urbanovic

Perma-Bound Catalogue #: 48676

Description: In rhyming text reminiscent of the traditional song, "If you're happy and you know it," present various animals that are hoppy, sloppy, growly, flappy, or slimy, scaly and mean.

Curriculum Links: 

  • Character Education - Integrity
  • Drama
  • Kindergarten
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Reading - Visualizing
  • Science - Animals
  • Writing - Lyrics

Lori's Notes: 

Design: This is a lovely picture book.  I love how the bunny and frog are hop/stretching their way toward the side of the book - like they're about to reach out and turn the page.  The front and end pages are animal tracks with the animal feet appearing on the title page - the feet are at the top of the page mid hop!  The font is large and rather round and should be readily readable from a distance.  The use of colour to highlight the call and response text was a nice addition to the text.

Content and Illustrations: This is a very colourful book with many animals appearing including an adorable frog that hops his way through many of the pictures.  I most enjoyed the growly tummy and the slimy and scaly and mean illustrations!  You can't help but sing along to the story and while the rhythm takes a bit of practice the rhyme and meter do work quite well.  This is a fantastic read aloud and is fun to read over and over.  Additionally, there are many opportunities to incorporate physical play as students can pretend to be the various animals in the book and hop, growl and flap their way through the story.  

Recommended Audience: Kindergarten to Grade 3
  • Fun Read-Aloud
  • Good Title to incorporate DPA
  • Good links to music curriculum

Inquiries and Activities: 
  • What was your favourite animal or action?  
  • List other animals that are hoppy, growly, flappy, or slimy.
  • Create your own hopping foot prints.  Spread out a roll of paper and have students take off shoes and socks.  One at a time paint the bottom of your students' feet and have them hop along the paper.  (Have a sponge and water available at the other end to clean up!).  Does everyone hop the same way?  Who has the longest hop?  Does anyone hop on one foot?  Who has the biggest footprint or the smallest? Put your footprints up on the wall!
  • Draw and paint your own hoppy frog!
  • Listen to and sing along with "If you're Happy and you know it".  Which version of the song do your students prefer?


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