Every Day by David Levithan

Title:  Every Day

Series:  Book 1 of The 'A' Series (Every Day, Another Day, Someday)

Author: David Levithan

Description:  Every morning A wakes in a different person's body, in a different person's life, learning over the years to never get too attached, until he wakes up in the body of Justin and falls in love with Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon.

Rubric Rating: Level 3 - Laud It

Why I Read It: Definitely the write up was what interested me with this book, the cover not at all.

Notes:  Everyday A wakes up in a different body.  Sometimes, he’s male, sometimes she’s female.  A might be gay, straight, or transgendered, diabetic, blind, or a drug addict.  Everyday is new. A doesn’t mind waking up in a different body everyday until he wakes up in Justin’s body and falls in love with Justin’s girlfriend Rhiannon.  Rhiannon is the only person who seems to see A inside of the body that he’s in. But it’s still difficult for her to admit her feelings when she doesn’t know who A will be one day to the next.  Most people don’t remember being occupied by A but Nathan does, and he makes A think about the reactions of the people he has occupied and what happens after he has gone. Like most teens A struggles with identity -  who and what is s/he. Is s/he unique? Can s/he live a normal life? This book was well written and for me, fast-paced. I loved that each chapter was a new person for A to inhabit. The lives could be drastically different and how A deals with each new situation is generally admirable.  The ending is certainly satisfying but leaves a window open for another book with A.

Recommended Readers: Grade 9 and Up

Themes: Love Story, Supernatural, Changing Bodies, Relationships, Coming-of-Age, Perception of Self, Perception of Others, Identity

Cross-Genre Links: 
Music: Cloud Busting by Kate Bush
Social Studies: Transgender, Body Dysmorphia
Movie: Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Movie: Freaky Friday

Inquiries and Activities:

  • What makes identity? 
  • Create a graphic web organizer about yourself – who are you?  List traits, accomplishments, skills, interests etc.  
  • Create a graphic organizer for a friend.  What do you see in them?
  • Is your identity based on your appearance? How much of yourself do you base on what you see in a mirror?  
  • Why does the author have A inhabit a variety of people – male and female? Would the story change if A identified as male or female only.  
  • Why does A fall in love with Rhiannon? Even though she recognizes A in his/her many forms how does his/her physical appearance change their interaction.  
  • How do A and Alexander connect at the end of the novel? 


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